Thursday, August 19, 2004

Many people say that they do martial arts to get fit. The art was never created for fitness. It was created so that people can learn defence and in the process get fit, develop harmony and coordination between mind and body, learn to cope with issues in their lives etc. Martial arts is an art of defence and much more. It is wholistic as well as holistic. It is a complete art for the human being and it certainly moves everyone that practices the traditional art into a higher level of awareness.


Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The path that needs to be taken in life is selflessness and not selfishness. Selfishness is when the ego acts on itself to become vain and self centred. This is because this type of human being lacks love and turns this negative energy onto themselves and becomes greedy, unforgiving and even jealous. However, the selfless person thinks nothing of themselves and does everything in their power to help and give to others. As it is said selflessness lives by getting and forgetting and selfishness lives by getting and forgetting.


Saturday, August 07, 2004

Let Peace be your friend
Right Conduct be your guide
Truth Be your teacher
Non-violence be your partner
and Love be you.
Then all the things you ever need
will be at your feet as a gift
from a power greater than yourself.

kancho Deena Naidu

Sunday, August 01, 2004

A seed of a fruit tree when planted, fertilized, and watered will grow into a tree that will, over its life time, have fruit in abundance. It will become a source that provides this to those enjoying its fruit. In a similar sort of way those who intend practicing the art of TRUE DEFENCE will have an art to protect themselves with and be able to share something of great value to others for generations to come. Only through a traditional Karate-do school is this possible. Here a student is given lessons of real value in discipline, virtues and human values. Like fertilizer that nurtures the plant, the human soul is nurtured through correct values. All minds need proper guidence, especially the young. And finally this art teaches real defence for the body. The watering of the plant is similar to the physical aspect of constant training. It is these things that one has to do in order to master the art. The karate person will need time and effort to become a true karate-ka, like the tree that takes time to grow and then time to bear the fruit.
Kancho Deena Naidu