Saturday, October 30, 2004
People of certain religious doctrines misunderstand the formal bows performed in the dojo. Let me assure everyone that formal bows fall under a virtue called Rei or Reiho. This means greet or show respect with courtsy. Bowing is not a worship or a ritual from a religious doctrine, it is a way of greeting each other, like when we shake hands with each other. In India they put their palms together. True understanding leads to wisdom.
Bushinomakuto is not a game to be played. It is an intense and a self satisfying search of knowing the truth by the martial artist. Great challenges are often met through this effort that often drives one to disillusion and suffering. However, through its practice a journey of love is experienced and the path of truth is found. Importantly, the discovery of oneness of life is achieved. At this point the journey of life in its present form is over for the destination has been reached. However, a new level of understanding emerges and a greater journey begins.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Saturday, October 02, 2004
The original art of self defence has divided itself into various art forms. In many ways it follows a simliar pattern as some religions. First there was one truth or doctrine. As years progressed human ideas, egos or even divine inspirations motivated people to create new systems. This means that in some ways there were changes to many of the original methods of practice and thought patterns. Great souls from time to time were born to move people towards Truth and its original purpose. This worked for a while, however within these new groups came further divisions with new names and new forms. From one Truth it became a hundred ways of reaching this Truth and five hundred away from it. What is important in your practice is that it works for you, it satisfies its intended purpose, it gives you meaning and reason. It is not the name of the practice it is the intention and the goal. If you have good thoughts and good ways then your path is clear. If your intentions are wicked and self centred then your path will be blocked with no end insight. ones intentions dictates ones journey.