Thursday, December 29, 2005
Science tells us that everything is energy. Spirituality tells us that everything is one energy that is compartmentalized into different forms. Science tells us that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Spirituality tells us that every action has a reaction greater than itself. In other words, what we do to others will be done to ourselves. Looking at these two forms of education we learn that if all what is said is true then the secret of life of life is never harm others for it will surely return. The six pests of life that so many adopt as part of themselves is anger, greed, jealously, hate, pride and lust, only to find that ultimately it only affects them more than it does others. Love I think is the answer. Love those who hate you. Be kind to those who are Jealous of you. See good in those who are angry at you. See life as one energy playing different roles as designed by a power greater than ourselves and realize that there is more to this life than what meets the eye and learn to accept life as it presents itself. If change has to happen it must be from ourselves.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Karate-do is not a religion. It is a means of self defence that involves disciple, respect, self control, morality and the development of virtues and values. In different customs there are differnt ways people show respect to each other. In Japanese and okinawin karate-do they do it by bowing. This is because it is their way of acknowledging respect.
The traditional form of karate-do is steadily disappearing. Formal bows that was regarded as a means of developing self discipline and respect is not being practiced by many schools that have had its origins in Japan. Teachers are being pressured to change by heads of organisations, society, religions etc. In other cases teachers are only concerned in producing champions and are removing everything traditional to achieve this goal. So it seems that the once sacred art that welcomed people without discrimination are only seeking to train the talented and the abled. It will be a sad day for all the teachers of the past, that have spent so much energy in helping the onced valued art, evolve to such a high state of karate-do, disappear. Goshin kan will not change, we will continue to keep it the way it was traditional planned by these wise masters. In our way everyone that makes an effort is a champion. We are not a school that only caters for the talented. My teacher was proud of me when he learnt of the way I taught my karate and that I have not moved away from the path he taught me. I will keep it this way even if there is a thousand or just one person training with me.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Many celebrate christmas and yet are not fully aware of its significance. Let us divide the word Christ and Mas. Christ represents a consciousness that is Divine. Mas could mean prayer or a group of people. So Christmas is about people participating in a gathering to evolve to a higher state of consciousness. It is not a time of uncontrollable drinking and bad behaviour. It is a time of refection on oneself and contemplation on God. It is a time of intense prayer and getting together as family and with friends who have the same interest.
On the final day of our training at Rooty Hill dojo, I gathered the children togther and ran a few questions to them. One of the things i asked the group was what has karate done for you. A`number of students aswered. Many spoke of their development in terms of discipline, self control, focus, self defence etc. I finally asked young Tyson and his answer was," It has taught me to Respect all life". I wish that everyone can learn to do this then we can have lasting peace.
kancho Deena Naidu .
kancho Deena Naidu .
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
There is a saying what you put into Karate you get out of it. This is the reason why it is so important for teachers to guide students with correct values, morality, etc. When a student belongs to an organisation that student will become what they believe. What the student believes is what they have been influenced by.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu