Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The word Karate informs me of the things we need to fix within ourselves as karate persons. KA - Kill Aggression, RA - Remove Animosity, TE - Terminate Ego. If we work hard to get rid of these three villians in our minds, then our lives will be at peace.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Karate was not created for hurting others, it was created as a protection from others hurting us. These were the thoughts of the great Miyage Sensei.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
The most important aspects of good karate technique is focus, next comes speed, power is last and it is not always needed to have an effective technique.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Goshin kan karate was not developed for boosting the ego, making one famous or for competition. It was purely made for self preservation, improvement of character and development of confidence.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The greatest lesson that karate teaches is humility. Humility does not mean just bowing and greeting other karate-ka. Humility means 'Acceptance to learn', to have an open mind. Humility means having great respect for your teacher that teaches you lessons that improves your character. karate is development of character. Without good character you are not a true participant of the art. Karate is not created to make you rich or famous or the develop your ego. karate is to help you become a fine human being. Your greatest skills in the art is to protect yourself from your mind. When you are humble you learn and you do not have yourself as your own worst enemy. When ego disappears it takes with it fear, hate and anger, then enters, fearlessness, love and kindness. Many years ago I washed the feet of two of my low graded students. When students saw this many did not know how to react. some were driven to tears, others wanted to take over. I learnt this lesson from a great master who walked this earth. I say to all my students 'Only the brave can be humble'. Defeat your mind by accepting humility. On grading days I wear a special coat that has words in Japanese which reads, " An open mind". This is humility.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Most have heard the saying, 'why fix it when it is not broken'. Sometimes human mentality is such that people create problems when there is none. Many do this out of jealously, anger, hate and greed resulting in a great deal of stress and uneasiness. There was a person I know, out of greed for his fathers empire, created so much harm to his family during the family's happy years when everything was rosey ended up in jail for a very long time. Every moment of his life he thinks of his cruel and wicked actions. When we have it good be grateful, if we get greedy it can all be lost.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy mothers to all the fine mothers out there. There isn't anyone in the human kind that can equal the love of a Mother. They are the embodiement of all that is good. From all of us in Goshin kan karate I would like to wish all mothers worldwide a "Happy Mothers day". May your day be peaceful and filled with kindness and love.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Saturday, May 13, 2006
It is said by many great minds that "Life is a journey" That means it does not begin at birth or end at death. We certainly do not remember our form or state of existence before birth and we do not know what state or form we become after death. Listening to spiritual educators of the different religious groups, many get confused of the innumerable versions of this journey. Whatever the truth that awaits us can only be governed by what we do now. So I say to everyone goodness is the best action. This improves our lives and covers the past. The more good we do the less
the chance of what we did in the past has a chance of resurfacing. The ying yany symbol tells us that no one is totally good or totally bad, however, we must start from today to change our lives for the better in all the roles we play.
kancho Deena Naidu
the chance of what we did in the past has a chance of resurfacing. The ying yany symbol tells us that no one is totally good or totally bad, however, we must start from today to change our lives for the better in all the roles we play.
kancho Deena Naidu
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Young students look for role models. If they like or participate in a sport or art their lives get moulded around a person or persons who have done well in their field. Sadly, some sportspeople or artists do not portray a good image that the young should follow. As it is said in our traditional art "Work harder on character than on the physical technique" or "Character before Karate". Everyone who excels in the art will have a follower. So, it is essential that we as traditionalists portray a good image.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
I often think of the times I trained as a student and the intensity of the practice in those days. There was seriousness in the training that is not seen often in this modern day in many organizations. I think with the change of life style, a new mind set is born. This has been created by technology; people seem to want things much easier and faster. Many think, "Why use the stairs when we can take the lift or why walk to the shops if we can take the car?" - This takes too long and far too much effort. I think most times we need to use the stairs as it is a form of exercise and requires effort; also it does something good for the mind. Karate is a form of defence that has no easier methods of achieving - it takes continuous hard work. It only becomes easier in terms of your own natural ability when we use our minds and bodies by correct continuous repetitious practice. As it is said enjoy the journey and not concern yourself on how fast you arrive at your destiny.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Change is something that not many people accept quite easily especially when it comes to changing habits and ways. In order to live a life of growth and development of self we must change certain aspects ourselves. So often, we pick up habits that are not good for us. So, to have a fulfilling and happier life we need to adjust our lives and get rid of wicked habits.
Monday, May 01, 2006
The purpose of human life is to be happy. We as Humans, by our actions, do so many things to bring unhappiness to ourselves. One of the ways of ensuring a happier life is to follow the universal law of cause and consequence. This law states that whatever we do will come back to us in a far greater way. Goshin kan is a karate school of learning that intends helping people to have a happier life and this universal law of cause and consequence is one of our main teachings.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu