Sunday, September 17, 2006
Every serious Goshin kan karate student wants to excel in their art. By following three simple rules they can be the best they can be. These rules can be found in these words Regular correct practice. Regular makes it second nature. Correct is from good teachings and practice brings excellence. The first two words regular practice is for students to do and the correct (technique) is from teachings of the teacher. However, students must make effort to grasp and learn all that is shared.
Wisdom comes from experience.
Wisdom comes from experience.
Karate is more than physical movements of defence. It is designed to build in the karate person the best defence which comes from the development of character. Some may ask how good character can build a defence. Good character is 3/4 of your battle won against evil. 1/4 is the physical battle – this is the reason the great masters practiced karate. No one wants to associate with those who are arrogant, those who are always angry, and those who are constantly in a fighting mood. However, one always wins more and more people around you when you are filled with love in actions, find solutions, keep peaceful and build bridges. Even enemies change their mental attitude when you hold on to goodness. Students I urge you, fight the battle against evil by choosing love, peace, right conduct, truth and non-violence. If you choose this path of life you will become free of harm. Your understanding of life will become clearer. You will not struggle to keep afloat you will know how to gently thread in this pond of life.
with love
with love