Saturday, October 21, 2006
Never lose sight of the true path of Budo as many have been easily swayed by the follies of frilly martial arts.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Never use karate to hurt others
Never use karate for ego
Never use karate for self gain such as fame.
Use karate to help others
Use karate to humble yourself
Use karaeto develop skills in self Defence
There are no Politics in karate
There are no Religions in karate
There are Discriminations in karate.
Never use karate for ego
Never use karate for self gain such as fame.
Use karate to help others
Use karate to humble yourself
Use karaeto develop skills in self Defence
There are no Politics in karate
There are no Religions in karate
There are Discriminations in karate.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Life is fragile; nothing in this life is permanent. We born we die, however memories of what we do lasts forever and actions have consequences. So consider how others will be affected by what we do and what others do that will effect our path in life.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Following the path of ancient karate is considered wise by masters because it contains value and it works. So often the ego mind plays tricks and changes that which is good into that which is detrimental to life. Change must only come when something is not working.
Friday, October 06, 2006
There is a saying which states 'Show me your friends and I will predict your future.'Ones company determines one's future. The mind makes decisions on the path it follows because it is governed by its influences. Understanding this concept will not be hard to know what's in store of ones future life.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Goshin kan karate teaches its students that the six evils of the mind are hate, anger, pride, jealously, greed and lust. These are not human qualities these are manifested in ones mind. Being jealous of another’s success is like gangrene it spreads in the mind of the creator and destroys all the facilities that can bring success. The more jealous one becomes that less the opportunity to be really successful.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Monday, October 02, 2006
I heard someone say once, " The older I get the stranger life gets".