Sunday, October 28, 2007
Life is a journey of love. We do this by living for others. We take nothing when we pass this Earth school except memories of our deeds and experiences. Negative thoughts and actions blind you from being kind to each other. Real freedom is living the life of love.
Karate feats are great to demonstrate the powerful mechanics of the art and no good when it inflates the human ego of the demonstrator.
Karate-do is just one art of the many systems of Budo. This traditional art takes a life time to learn and master. True masters have always declared that it is impossible to master more than one in a life time.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
The core of our reality is goodness. this germinates from the Divine within us called love. Hateful feelings, anger, jealously are seeds that are planted in the minds of some people through negative experiences in life. We must not water any of these thoughts and make them grow, instead reflect on our true nature of love and goodness by blessing those who have caused us harm. Have a wonderful life.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The words of great masters like Bushi Matsummura Soke Sensei, Nabe Matsumura Hanchi, Hohan Soken Hanshi and other great masters all give the same message as expressed in the Goshin kan System. Karate-do is for self preservation and the development of mind and heart( Spiritual) It is not a sport, never meant to be a sport and those who truely understand the purpose of the art know this to be true. Goshin kan practices Karate-do and not karate-sport.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Saturday, October 20, 2007
There is no other greater service in life than to help others. As it is said in India, Service to man is service to God.
Monday, October 01, 2007
There are no choices in life, there is only one path which is goodness. We create choice when we move off the path to that of the ego. It then becomes a battle between heart and head. Heart is goodness and Head is ego(Easing Goodness Out).
Doing the right thing is the only way.
Doing the right thing is the only way.
With Gratitude comes loyality.