Friday, January 18, 2008
Praying for peace is wonderful, keeping peace with those around you is greater, however, not saying wicked things to those whom you dislike is the greatest.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Monday, January 14, 2008
The greatness about life is that we have choice and this determins our destiny. Never allow ego which grows from pride determin your choosing.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
It is customary for karateka to revere our teachers. Without their sacrifice in acquiring knowledge and sharing this with us we would know nothing. Remain forever grateful, it is this that makes us divine, dishonoring Parents and teachers makes one into a demon. The consequence of either good or bad actions will bear its fruits in ones lifetime. Start today think good, be good and do good.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year and may your dreams and aspirations manifest.
Pease keep safe and love your Parents and family and find no cause to be upset with them. God Bless.
Pease keep safe and love your Parents and family and find no cause to be upset with them. God Bless.