Saturday, September 27, 2008
karate is not just physical because it involves the mind and life(spirit) as well.
Never burn your bridges as it is too hard to build a new one. Be nice to everyone.
If you do not like someone keep away, but never say anything to harm them.
When you have it good, keep it that way no matter how much your mind is telling you to change.
Never burn your bridges as it is too hard to build a new one. Be nice to everyone.
If you do not like someone keep away, but never say anything to harm them.
When you have it good, keep it that way no matter how much your mind is telling you to change.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My teacher said, “ Do not try and make friends with a wild tiger by petting it on its head as it will rip your hands.” In the same way, some humans are like wild tigers as they wait for the opportunity to rip you apart no matter how much good you do forthem. Keep with those whom you trust and who love you, stay away from the wicked.
Forgiveness is Divine love, then comes healing.
The quality of karate as seen today, even in Japan is not the same as the old days. The problem is incompetent people ( instructors – not teachers are teaching the art.) We had teachers before now we got instructors.
Sanchin Kata, Tensho Kata and Shizen Kata are the same as Qi Gung. Very powerful for body, mind and Life. Practice these daily for yur holistic development.
Forgiveness is Divine love, then comes healing.
The quality of karate as seen today, even in Japan is not the same as the old days. The problem is incompetent people ( instructors – not teachers are teaching the art.) We had teachers before now we got instructors.
Sanchin Kata, Tensho Kata and Shizen Kata are the same as Qi Gung. Very powerful for body, mind and Life. Practice these daily for yur holistic development.
Monday, September 08, 2008
The Law of Karma works in a mysterious way to bring balance. People bring suffering to themselves for their incorrect actions and get rewarded for the good actions they do. Some may benefit short term for hurting others, but the amazing accountant called GOD keeps the balance of things that no one can escape. Only through apology and remorse can one escape the claws of suffering. Protect yourself – think, be and do good.