Sunday, November 29, 2009

A true friend is present always in time of need. False friends are never seen. Ask those who moved from riches to rags.

kancho Deena Naidu

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Becoming a Black belt is like moving to a higher class of understanding karate on a much deeper level and each step forward brings you closer to the ultimate Truth. The journey becomes a more interesting journey of learning and discovering. And as you learn you discover how little you know to what there is to learn.

My days at Semon Gakko college in Japan was truly uplifting for me as I learned many things from my great teacher Gogen Sensei. One such lesson was when my teacher was explaining some of the most important aspects of karate-do. I sat in awe of how much he knew and I told him so. He then said to me that what he knows is a just a part of his little finger in comparison to what there is. What humility? I then thought, if that is all he knows then, my knowledge is non existence.

Kancho Deena Naidu

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Love in action is selfless service.
