Thursday, June 30, 2011
Happy life
Bless those who harm you, love those who hate you, care for those who are besides you and give to those who need your help.
Bless those who harm you, love those who hate you, care for those who are besides you and give to those who need your help.
Friday, June 17, 2011
World pollution is not just the air the breathe, or the water we drink, it is also with the mind we keep. Bad influences are poisoning the minds of the young. It is the strong detergents of discrimination, discretion and determination that can slowly wash out the pollution from the fabric of youth life. So essentially human values are very necessary as I believe that we need to guide and help future generations by helping the one or two generations before us.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Student of Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei
Kancho Deena Naidu
Student of Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
A teacher made a statement once which some of the students found hard to comprehend. Asked one student to another what does our teacher mean when he said when man gets rid of the animal in him, he becomes human, when the human in man disappears he becomes cosmic and when the cosmic disappears he lives the life of true divinity. Well said sempai ( senior student) to kohai( junior student). It is all to do with the nature of humans. The animal in man is greed and lust, when that leaves, human life moves to higher life of giving. When humans give up ego and attachment, I and mine feeling, they become cosmic which means they move to a higher level of living. However, this life is living in duality. When duality disappears, oneness appears. This life is that of divine. The goal of human life is to shed those things that keep us down spiritually. I thought karate is just physical said the student. Well you have not been on the path of Do long enough, in time as you travel on this journey you will understand the true art.
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Best Effort Little at a Time. In other words don't rush through grades. Knowledge is greater than the colour of our belt.
Someone asked the question about our system so here is my answer.
Goshin karate-do has teachers, we do not have instructors. We do not play sport, we study, practice and share the real art of karate-do. Our lineage has began 5000 years, beyond and Including Miyage Sensei, Gogen Sensei. Top priority is character development, then comes physical. Anyone can practice karate, as my teacher said even monkeys. To develop the mind to have reasoning only human can do this. Our task as teachers is Miyage Sensei's teaching " karate-do is defense" , Higaonna Sensei's teachings, "in karate-do ego has no place", karate-do is Budo said Gogen Sensei. Today practicing karate in different parts of the world are good and bad human beings, there is very little reasoning or discrimination between teacher or students. This once sacred art have become an offense tool for many gangsters, trouble makers, criminals why? Simply because in most schools anyone can walk in pay their fees and practice. In our school human values, character development, spiritual training is part of our training. our results are dharmic( goodness and righteousness). In years to come many will hold our system with great respect because because the world gets darker everyday with wickedness. We are on the path of Do, we practice the art, not a game, we practice Budo, physical, mental and spiritual, we practice to eliminate ego not to give it power. we are on the path of everything good for the human self.
Goshin karate-do has teachers, we do not have instructors. We do not play sport, we study, practice and share the real art of karate-do. Our lineage has began 5000 years, beyond and Including Miyage Sensei, Gogen Sensei. Top priority is character development, then comes physical. Anyone can practice karate, as my teacher said even monkeys. To develop the mind to have reasoning only human can do this. Our task as teachers is Miyage Sensei's teaching " karate-do is defense" , Higaonna Sensei's teachings, "in karate-do ego has no place", karate-do is Budo said Gogen Sensei. Today practicing karate in different parts of the world are good and bad human beings, there is very little reasoning or discrimination between teacher or students. This once sacred art have become an offense tool for many gangsters, trouble makers, criminals why? Simply because in most schools anyone can walk in pay their fees and practice. In our school human values, character development, spiritual training is part of our training. our results are dharmic( goodness and righteousness). In years to come many will hold our system with great respect because because the world gets darker everyday with wickedness. We are on the path of Do, we practice the art, not a game, we practice Budo, physical, mental and spiritual, we practice to eliminate ego not to give it power. we are on the path of everything good for the human self.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
No matter how powerful anyone is, they cannot escape the claws of karma. Think careful before you act hurting someone especially those who have guided you to become a better person, filled your mind with knowledge, took care of you when you needed help. Think, say and do bad, you will receive B.A.D. Blistering Attack of Denigration. This law has a boom a rang affect. It will hit you on the head when you least expect it. A student who he has done bad things in the past asked his teacher, so how does he not suffer the consequence of karma. The teacher said first you have to seek forgiveness from the person you said or did bad things to, then you have to cover your karma with dharma( goodness). Just doing good things is not enough seek the blessings of those you have harmed or forever live in pain.
Sunday, June 05, 2011
What you generate comes around with a greater impact.
Energy is matter, energy are thoughts, energy are actions, energy is life, energy is everything you see and do not see. There is not such thing as empty space, empty space does not exist. What we think is empty space is full of energy. Be careful what you think, what you say and what you do as you are transmitting energy that always comes around. You are blessed for good and suffer the consequence of bad. There are no winners and losers, victims and victors, you are the master, the designer, the planner of your own life. if you understand this and follow the law of karma (cause and consequence) and the law of dharma (goodness) you will always have a blessed life. These are the words of my teacher.
Kancho. Deena Naidu
A student asked how do I undo bad that I have done. The teacher answered, what's done is done, but you can change the energy that exists by making it good. First forgive yourself, then write a letter or some form of communication to apologize. Swallow that pride that makes you think you always right, this is the ego talking. If you have harmed a friend who has done you good, a teacher who has guided you to a better life, a neighbor who helped you in times of need, a fellow work friend saying sorry is not a big deal, but not having guts to do what is right is a failure of the spirit. Change the energy, then no more bad energy returns.
Energy is matter, energy are thoughts, energy are actions, energy is life, energy is everything you see and do not see. There is not such thing as empty space, empty space does not exist. What we think is empty space is full of energy. Be careful what you think, what you say and what you do as you are transmitting energy that always comes around. You are blessed for good and suffer the consequence of bad. There are no winners and losers, victims and victors, you are the master, the designer, the planner of your own life. if you understand this and follow the law of karma (cause and consequence) and the law of dharma (goodness) you will always have a blessed life. These are the words of my teacher.
Kancho. Deena Naidu
A student asked how do I undo bad that I have done. The teacher answered, what's done is done, but you can change the energy that exists by making it good. First forgive yourself, then write a letter or some form of communication to apologize. Swallow that pride that makes you think you always right, this is the ego talking. If you have harmed a friend who has done you good, a teacher who has guided you to a better life, a neighbor who helped you in times of need, a fellow work friend saying sorry is not a big deal, but not having guts to do what is right is a failure of the spirit. Change the energy, then no more bad energy returns.
What you generate comes around with a greater impact.
Energy is matter, energy are thoughts, energy are actions, energy is life, energy is everything you see and do not see. There is not such thing as empty space, empty space does not exist. What we think is empty space is full of energy. Be careful what you think, what you say and what you do as you are transmitting energy that always comes around. You are blessed for good and suffer the consequence of bad. There are no winners and losers, victims and victors, you are the master, the designer, the planner of your own life. if you understand this and follow the law of karma (cause and consequence) and the law of dharma (goodness) you will always have a blessed life. These are the words of my teacher.
Kancho. Deena Naidu
Energy is matter, energy are thoughts, energy are actions, energy is life, energy is everything you see and do not see. There is not such thing as empty space, empty space does not exist. What we think is empty space is full of energy. Be careful what you think, what you say and what you do as you are transmitting energy that always comes around. You are blessed for good and suffer the consequence of bad. There are no winners and losers, victims and victors, you are the master, the designer, the planner of your own life. if you understand this and follow the law of karma (cause and consequence) and the law of dharma (goodness) you will always have a blessed life. These are the words of my teacher.
Kancho. Deena Naidu
Saturday, June 04, 2011
People are all different, the sooner we start realize this our expectations towards others are tolerant and flexible. This is one way of leading a peaceful Life.
Kancho Deena Naidu
Kancho Deena Naidu